Weekly Roundup: Relaxing Weekend Edition
I believe this is the first weekend in about 2 months where I get both days to be at home and do nothing. Unfortunately, Stacie worked on Saturday, but that means I got to sleep until 9am, which is abnormal for a weekend. And unfortunately for me, my term paper is due Wednesday and I haven’t really worked on it yet (I only got 3 paragraphs done of a 5-8 page paper today). On Wednesday, I’ll also receive the take-home final that is due the following week.
And then classes start back up again in early September. Only 4 more semesters to go. Ugh.
Best of the Personal Finance Network this week
- Blunt Money had an interesting exchange with a person regarding her very red face
- Canadian Capitalist shares his worst financial advice
- Money Ning warns us about “Up-Selling“
- Four Pillars shares his distaste and a warning about Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) schemes. I had the same experience with a couple close relatives and it really is like I was killing their dream!
- Squawkfox gives us two gems: 5 Frugal Family Dinners for Under $5 and her own Printable Grocery List
Best of My Personal Finance Reader List
Last week, I was lazy and didn’t link out to anyone else. But this week, I made sure I starred the articles I really enjoyed in Google Reader. It was a short list this week, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like articles from other sites:
- Cheap Healthy Good gives 25 awesome ways the Simpsons taught her cheap and healthy eating
- The Simple Dollar compares being broke vs being poor
- Wisebread offers 7 tips for buying second hand cars and driving away happy AND pointed out that you could be driving on really old “new” tires
A weekend with nothing to do! That’s the best kind! Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the link! Good luck on your paper.