Unexpected Verizon Wireless 20% discount
I got my monthly email from Bank of America to notify me of a new eBill from Verizon Wireless. Since the only thing that fluctuates is our text/pix costs, I opened up the email and was surprised with the wireless bill. We have 1000 shared family minutes for our 2 phones, and our bill normally runs about $95 after taxes, fees and text/pix/flix charges.
This months bill? $82.
I couldn’t understand why. I thought that maybe they billed me for a partial month. I went to the website to see my statement and noticed they tacked on a 20% discount on my line. I didn’t apply for it though. I did have a 19% discount at my old company, but that was 2 years ago, and they removed the discount a few months after I left. Also, that discount code was C19, so it’s built into the code.
Where did this discount come from? I don’t know, and I’m not going to ask. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Congrats on the discount!
You might want to ask about it because my concern would be that they’ve somehow renewed your plan without your consent (hopefully that isn’t the case but this blurb on msnbc.com is interesting nonetheless: http://redtape.msnbc.com/2007/08/gotcha-room-a-2.html).
HW, thanks for the heads-up. I’ll check into it. However, I just got a new phone a couple months ago, so it was already renewed
I don’t know… I would hate to save money for no apparent reason. 😉
They may have applied some sort of employer or loyalty discount. I can’t say I’ve randomly had 20% discounts thrown my way, but I wouldn’t think it a bad thing. 🙂
No way! Can I add my wireless bill into yours? 🙂
So did you figured aout what is this about?
Yep, turns out my discount went up to 20% briefly then went back down to 19%. My friend who has the same discount had the same thing happen.