The Clever Investor: Loyal3 Update – 01/18/2016

Before looking at the specifics of how my stocks performed over the last 30 days, let’s review the rules for my Clever Investor game:
- Investments are made using the 100% Free investment platform, Loyal3
- I will invest an additional $50 a month, budget willing, based upon results
- Results are reviewed in the middle of the month (approximately)
Here we go!
Stock Market
- As of closing on 12/18/2015: 17,128
- As of closing on 01/15/2016: 15,988
- Month Change: -1140 (-6.7%)
Buffalo Wild Wings:
- Previous Value: $148.19
- Current Value: $141.87
- Month Change: -$6.32 (-4.3%)
- Previous value: $41.31
- Current Value: $37.86
- Month Change: -3.45 (-8.4%)
Lifetime Performance:
- Amount invested: $210
- Current Value: $179.73
- Change: -$30.27 (-14.4%)
As expected, my stocks lost significantly again this month. Instead of wallowing in the bad news of another down month, I’m going to take on a different perspective. If we look at the history of the market, over time it increases. I’m in this for the long haul, so this is simply a time when stocks are on sale! I’m going to take advantage of the sale, and put in my order TODAY for my first $50 stock purchase of the year through Loyal3. I’ll split it down the middle, $25 to Buffalo Wild Wings, and $25 to Apple.
I’m not sure if I hope stocks stay on sale so I can pump more money into them, or for the market to start to recover.
The brilliant thing about is that you can buy shares for as little as $10 bucks, which is great because most people are cash constrained and can only afford to make small transactions. Other brokerage firms aren’t geared towards small time investors, so Loyal3 has been great.
Have you stopped investing due to the current market conditions, or are you staying the course?
Brought to you courtesy of Brock

Brock is a software engineer by day and personal finance blogger at night. He is a fitness junkie and enjoys grilling and smoking meat. Married with two children, Brock strives to improve his skills as a husband and father, and is always on the lookout to stretch his family’s budget as far as he can.
Now is the time to buy more stock. The sustained market downturn is a good opportunity to get some shares in good quality companies like apple.
I put in my order that day, James – I’m sure it’ll pay off over time!