Thanks for the Hits! June 2009 Traffic Numbers
Halfway through July and I haven’t even posted June’s traffic numbers? Sheesh!
As for content, I thought I was getting back into the writing groove in June. I had at least one article each week day until the end of the month hit and we got back into traveling, or people visiting on weekends. Plus, I realized I’m very behind in my school work and had to make the executive decision to do homework instead of write. Ugh. Only a few more months to go before I graduate!
Traffic Sources
At a high level:
Search Engines: 60% (up from 55% in May)
Referring Sites: 23% (down from 28%)
Direct Traffic: 17%
Top Personal Finance Blog Referrers
And now to what everyone (or at least every PF blog) reads this article for: my top referrers for June. You’ll see last month’s rank after the new rank in (). If they weren’t ranked last month, you’ll see a (-).
- (-) The Simple Dollar
- (3) My Money Blog
- (10) Budgets are Sexy (Wow! All the way up from #10!)
- (6) Cheap Healthy Good
- (2) Five Cent Nickel
- (8) Wise Bread
- (7) Free Money Finance
- (9) Frugal Dad
- (5) No Credit Needed
- (-) Single Guy Money
Top Non-PF Blog Referrers
Since this list is usually made up of search engines, I’ve decided to show non-PF blogs AND non-search engines instead!
- StumbleUpon (in the #10 spot of all referrers. #1-9 are search engines or PF blogs)
- Zen Habits
- Facebook (yep, Clever Dude is now on Facebook!)
- US News
- Daily Blog Tips
- Personal Finance at
- Dumb Little Man
Again, thanks to all my readers, fellow bloggers, commenters, search engines and scrapers for making this site such a success!
Woohoo!! I made it in the top 10!
hah! well would you look at that – I finally made something out of myself.