How To Save Money On Toilet Paper
Staring at the empty roll hanging on the toilet paper holder, I knew the time had come for me to make a very important life decision. With my reserves depleted, I needed to buy more toilet paper, and doing so isn’t as easy as it sounds. When buying toilet paper a person has to weigh cost against comfort and savings against strength. Since toilet paper is something has permanent occupancy on the household shopping list it’s in your best interest to find the best way to save money on toilet paper.
Generic Toilet Paper
You can get very inexpensive generic toilet paper at any retailer that sells household goods, including dollar stores. Unfortunately, the quality is as low as the price. It’s not soft, and usually 1ply, which means it will break easily. Most consumers end up simply using twice as much of this product, resulting in the price not being as competitive as originally thought.
Store Brand Toilet Paper
Store brand toilet paper can be near or equal to name brand quality. For example, Walmart’s Great Value brand has similar varieties as Charmin, and is very good quality at a lower price.
Club Stores
Bulk buying of product from a club store in many cases will result in a cheaper per-unit price. Add to that the occasional sale and a person can get a virtually unbeatable per-unit price. For example, Costco’s high-quality Kirkland brand toilet paper can be had at a great price. The downside is the need for a membership as well as the requirement to buy a massive container at a time.
Save Money On Toilet Paper With Coupons
Toilet paper is on sale often enough that you should never pay regular price for it. Consumers can check paper ads and the internet for coupons, money-saving apps like Target’s Cartwheel, or simply look for sales and instant manufacturer’s rebates at club stores like Sam’s Club and Costco. You can also get coupons directly from the manufacturer’s websites for popular brands such as Charmin, Angel Soft, and Cottenelle.
Buy Online
Toilet paper can sometimes also be found cheaper online. Price compare local retailers with online retailers such as Amazon. Combining great online deals with free shipping on Amazon Prime can be a great way to save money on toilet paper and have it delivered right to your doorstep.
Toilet Paper Reviews
If you’re having difficulty deciding what toilet paper is the right choice for you, check out this great article from Good Housekeeping which includes reviews for 20 top toilet paper brands.
Buying toilet paper is a major life decision that we all have to make. The decision you make affects not only your comfort when nature calls but also impacts your budget. Utilizing the resources mentioned in this article can help you balance all the options, save money on toilet paper, and make the best decision for your family.
Do you have additional tips to save money on toilet paper?

Brock is a software engineer by day and personal finance blogger at night. He is a fitness junkie and enjoys grilling and smoking meat. Married with two children, Brock strives to improve his skills as a husband and father, and is always on the lookout to stretch his family’s budget as far as he can.