June Update to My PF Blog Reader List
I realized that I haven’t updated my finance reader list since March 20th, and that’s not very fair to the half-dozen blogs that I’ve added since then. But even though I’ve added a few sites to my list, I’ve also dropped about a dozen more. In March, I had 84 sites in my reader, but as of today, I have 75 personal finance sites in my reader.
Some of the sites stopped publishing, some completely vanished, and some only publish “net worth updates” or publish too sporadically. I still feel like I’m getting overwhelmed with information, but I keep slogging through it all in hopes that it’ll spark one clever article for me per month. Oh, and I probably like your articles too 🙂
And if you’re wondering, there’s only one site out of all 75 that I actually look for new posts each day. Can you guess which one?
Lastly, please look at the list and verify your site and RSS URLs. I rely on what I have in Google Reader, so if it’s out of date, please comment with the new information. Once I update it, I might delete the comment just so I know I got it.
Sometimes I feel the same way.
Don’t forgot to add me to your reader list!
Everything looks good for mine. Thanks for including me in your reader!
feel free to add me to your reader, I have you in my google reader 🙂
My information is up to date. Thanks for listing my site! A site I read has me on a reader. I feel special 🙂
All my stuff is correct too. I am still trying to figure out who you check for updates each day.
Hey Clever Dude – I love the idea of publishing your reader list for everyone to see. If you don’t mind, I think I might borrow your idea and do the same on my blog, MoneyRemix. This would be an excellent resource to offer readers, not to mention the readership increase for other bloggers. Again, terrific idea!
It’s also good to know that I’m not the only person out there who continually scours dozens of personal finance RSS feeds!
Oh, and are you going to give us a clue as to which one of your 75 feeds is the one you check daily?
I think you look for your own. That would be a sensible thing to do, after all if you haven’t get it in your reader that means no one else probably has either.
@MoneyRemix: You’re free to use my idea!
@Plonkee: Nope, it’s not my own site actually. I’ll say it’s one of the few sites that consistently makes me laugh (or at least chuckle).
I tip my hat to you good sir, thx for the add!