Clever Posts Of The Week – November 7th
The family went out for dinner last night at The Olive Garden. Normally I’m not a big fan, not because I don’t like the food, but because the price just seems very high for pasta dishes. However they’re running their Never Ending Pasta Bowl special for $9.99 which makes the price much easier to swallow – pun intended. 🙂 If you’ve never partaken in the promotion, you pick a type of pasta, and a sauce. You can get as many refills as you’d like, even switching your order if you want. Unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks are also included. Salad, a couple of bread sticks, and my first round of pasta was all I could eat. The server looked at me funny when I declined another round of food.
Have you ever had an “all you can eat” dinner, but stopped after the first round?
- 5 Things You Can’t Do With Bad Credit from MoneyStepper
- 3 Tips to Overcome Procrastination from Prairie Eco Thrifter
- Four Tips For Debt Destruction from Money Smart Guides
- Fuel Prices – The Rocket and Feather Effect from Money Bulldog
- Easiest Way Ever To Know How Much Money You Need For Retirement from Savvy Scot
Brought to you courtesy of Brock

Brock is a software engineer by day and personal finance blogger at night. He is a fitness junkie and enjoys grilling and smoking meat. Married with two children, Brock strives to improve his skills as a husband and father, and is always on the lookout to stretch his family’s budget as far as he can.
Thanks for the reading list dude. Love the site
I used to work at Olive Garden and I ate it so often that I don’t think I can ever go back :)! Thanks for the reading list.
Thanks Asset-Grinder, appreciate your kind words – thanks for stopping by!
@Mrs. Frugalwoods – I can certainly understand that…..if you eat, breath, and serve a food for a long time, I don’t think I could eat it again either. 🙂
Ha, no I can’t say I’ve ever done that Brock, maybe I’d be in better shape right now if I had though. 🙂 Hope you had a great weekend and thanks for the mention!
@Adam – it’s hard to stop, isn’t it? My wife, I and some friends went to a Mongolian grill last night (where you put meat, pasta, veggies and sauces in a bowl, then they cook it on a flat grill). I always get miserably full there….and constantly tell myself I should stop after one serving even though I never do. Last night, even though I did go back for a second serving, it was VERY small. I felt much better leaving the restaurant last night…lol.