Winner drawn for the free “Millionaire by Thirty” book!
A total of 54 entries made it in on time for the giveaway of the “Millionaire by Thirty” book. By the tone of the comments, I have a feeling that not many of you read my review of the book wherein I doubted whether the methods prescribed by the author were practical or even wise. However, I did admit that for some small niche of investors, it might actually work. However, I don’t think the book is the right choice for its target audience…late teens/early twenties.
Well, now it’s time to reveal the winner. According to the integer generator at, the winner is…
Yep, Commenter #43. That would be “Fred“.
I’ve contacted Fred, and he has 48 hours to get back to me with his address or else I’ll draw another number.
Don’t feel bad if you didn’t win though, because I’m currently reading Does Your Bag Have Holes? by Cameron C. Taylor, which is already turning out to be a MUCH better book than Millionaire by Thirty.
I received the book yesterday. Thanks again!