We’ve crossed 1 Million Visitors and 1.6 Million Page Views!
Sometime early Saturday, September 18, 2010, we received our 1,000,000th visitor to CleverDude.com. We also recently crossed over 1,600,000 page views. As of Tuesday, Sept. 21 around 1pm EST, here are the actual numbers:
I started this site in June 2006 (over 4 years ago), but the first 6 months had almost no traffic. I hit it big in February 2007 with a few articles on The Consumerist and Lifehacker and I’ve been going strong ever since. I just wonder, if I hadn’t dropped down from 30-40 articles/month, how much faster would I have gotten to a million?
Next up, 100 million visitors!!!
Congrats! I wish you would post more though lol
Yeah! Me too 🙂 But congrats!!! I now owe you 5 girly drinks.
Congratulations on a million visitors. That is an awesome accomplishment.
A million visitors! WOW! Congratulations on your accomplishment!
Now if they would each just donate a dollar to the “Cleverdude”, you would be set!
Congratulations! and many more . . .