Welcome Problogger Readers!
Darren kindly linked to my 50 Tips for New Personal Finance Bloggers article in his daily Speedlinking post (which is obviously much-appreciated). You’ll see that my site is mostly financially-focused, but I definitely like to add a smattering of general advice and stories about my non-cleverness.
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You can read more about me on my, well, About page. And feel free to contact me!
It’s great to have you!
Hi there.
At last a site run by someone who seems to know what he is talking about.
I am new to Blogging. all I want to do is to show others how I have made a decent living over the last fifty odd years without needing to have a regular job.
If it saves someone from losing money in the same business I will have done some good before I go to meet my maker.
CD, mad props man on the link! It has been a while here since I dropped in but obviously you are rocking and rollin as usual.