Weekly Roundup: Guess where I’m going this weekend
That’s right. Going to Pennsylvania, yet again. I thought I was done for the summer, but I’ll be going back for a 50th wedding anniversary party Saturday. And it was going to be perfect weather to work on more retaining walls.
But here’s some news: We might be selling our Pontiac. We mentioned to Stacie’s godmother, while discussing her daughter who is going off to college this month, that we’d be willing to sell her the Grand Am if she needed a cheap car. Well, earlier this week, she called and wants to see it. We’ll see if we can work out a meeting this weekend. Although the Pontiac makes the least sense to sell based on value, we don’t really need it, so we’re open to selling.
And now for the roundup:
From the Personal Finance Network:
– Squawkfox has a new e-Book: Frugal Food & Fitness: How to get fit and fab without spending a fortune. I highly recommend subscribing so you can get to the download (the only way you can do it). Fox also hosted this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance.
– Money Ning wonders whether he should buy investment real estate in this housing slump, as does Blunt Money. We’ve considered buying some rental property in my hometown, but we have enough to manage with our own home right now.
– Blunt Money has 16 ways an iPhone can save you money. I’d say read it and comment what you think.
From My PF Blog Reader List:
– Blueprint for Financial Prosperity says Don’t Pay Your Children’s College Education. You’ll see my own take on this from back in January of this year.
– Frugal Dad asks whether you should pay off all your debt before having kids. Read the comments too!
– Queercents discusses an innovative new way to dine: pay what you think the meal was worth.
– Budgets Are Sexy gives us a few ways to deal with unwanted gift cards.
– Christian PF continues on his Getting OUt of Debt series with Part 5: 15 Ways to Cut Your Expenses.
– Brip Blap has hit the nail on the head with 5 Signs Your Job Sucks. I haven’t gotten to the point of mocking people who like their jobs yet, but the other 4 fit right in with my life right now.
– The Simple Dollar, a perennial favorite on many roundups, questions whether college is necessary for all high school grads.
– The Digerati Life takes on gas prices with some interesting rides. I think I’ll avoid the Oscar Mayer Penismobile, aka the Corbin Sparrow. Just look at the picture and you’ll see what I mean. Or you might not.
– Dual Income, No Kids witnessed the incredible rise in inflation in Kabul, Afghanistan first-hand.
Thanks for the link! Have a safe trip, and good luck selling the car. How do you plan to use the proceeds?
Thanks for the eBook linky mention Mr. Dude!
@Frugal Dad I vote to use the proceeds for debt reduction! 😀
We are selling our car too! And getting a new one. Good luck with your car sale! And thanks for the mention!