Ways to Tell You’re Old
I hate chain letters. The ones with either a joke, or an urban legend easily debunked at Snopes.com, or with a series of pretty pictures with a prayer at the end to make you feel guilty for not passing it on to everyone in your address book. But I do enjoy jokes (in moderation), which is why I’m sharing the following list of ways to tell you’re officially old. I’ve sized it down considerably, which is why the text is a bit blurry, and I also removed the “send to everyone you know) piece at the end:
And yes, some of these are personal finance-related:
It’s hard to comment on this except with a bit of a wimper …
Hmm..I think I need to go to bed because these are too true now.
Most of them are true, except 90% of the time I’m on the computer, it’s for gaming and surfing the net.. heeh, I think I’ll go take a nap before I go to bed…before 10pm
And these two more:
a) Lound music at clubs are a pain in the ear. You prefer “crooners”.
b) The neighbourhood young men call you Uncle.