Using Your Blog to Help Resolve Legal Problems [Success Story]
J Money from Budgets are Sexy used the power of the internet recently to finally get his wedding pictures from the photographer…almost 5 months late. The link takes you to a nice wrap-up article that details his toils and troubles with Mr. “D-head” (the photographer), which included registering a domain with the photog’s name in the URL and then creating a blog to detail the problem.
In just a few days of having the site online, J:
- Within 2 days we receive 300+ hits!
- Dozens of comments and emails fly all over Facebook & Myspace.
- An old friend offers his skills to get d-head’s name to the top of Google! (we decline, but keep this card in our pocket just in case)
- A DIFFERENT photographer offers to do a whole shoot of the Mrs. in her wedding dress for FREE!!! She hates when people give their industry a bad rap.
- Angry clients come out of the woodwork for this guy, and post their own reviews!
- Within 48 hours we receive the pics online, and a week & a half later the physical images.
Wow, it just goes to show the power of the internet, especially when the vendor also does most of his business via the intertoobs too. I got a peek at the site (not linked to from his site to protect J’s own identity), and it was simple yet it got the job done.
As an aside, I’ve met J in person and can attest that he is a very nice guy and certainly gave the photographer much more patience than I could ever muster. Congrats to J Money for finally getting his wedding photos! It’s funny that each of your faces looks like half a heart and when you kissed, it formed a whole heart. Wow, such a coincidence! (see photo on his site).
You can also see his mohawk sticking out of the heart. Yes, he really does have a mohawk.
Hey, thanks bro 🙂 Can you believe it actually worked?! Long live the internets…