Trimming my reader list
I didn’t actually announce it, but if you look in the menu bar below my Clever Dude header, you’ll see a link to “My Reader List“. These are all the Personal Finance-related blogs that I’ve added through the months, and I update that page about once per month.
But right now, I have 122 PF blog feeds on my Google Reader, and it’s gotten to the point that I’m so overwhelmed that I just don’t read much of anything. So, I’m going through right now and looking at the last 3 weeks of articles to see if they were interesting to me. If not, the site is gone. However, if you see your site off my list, don’t think that I don’t like you. (I just don’t like what you wrote in the last 3 weeks).
I don’t expect to get the list much below 80-90 feeds, and I’m sure the list will rise back up over 100 before the end of the year, but I just need to find a more efficient way to keep up on my the PF blogging community. However, there’s hundreds added per day, and at this rate, I’ll never read anything.
UPDATE: That was pathetic. I only trimmed out 21 PF feeds. I couldn’t even get under 100! I’ll give it another shot some other time I guess.
I respect this – there is a lot to read our there. Not sure if I was on the list before or not, but one day I would like to!
I totally get what you’re saying. May I recommend Google Reader? It’s revolutionized my blog-reading – with most blogs, you get the full post all in one spot and you can scroll through them super fast. Just slow down when something catches your eye.
CFO, I did mention in the 2nd paragraph that I use Google Reader. At this point though, I get over 250-300 new posts in my reader EACH DAY. Just to scroll through and read each headline takes time! The sites that I dropped either didn’t post for the last few weeks or only post once a week though, so that probably won’t make a major impact on my numbers.
Oops, sorry, I missed that!
I use Google reader as well.
I subscribe to a lot of different feeds and usually log on in the morning only to find 400-500 new posts.
I use the folders to try to keep things organized. Then, I browse articles by category. There are some feeds where I try to read every post (CleverDude is one of them 🙂 ), but for most, if the headline or first few lines don’t catch my eye, I move on. I also make use of the star feature to mark posts that I’d like to read when I get a chance but don’t have time at the moment.
Once I’ve analyzed all of the new posts in a category, I mark them all as read. Rinse and Repeat.
When I do get a few spare minutes, I’ll go back to the skipped category to see if there was anything that I was too hasty to dismiss.
With all of the information flowing out there, you have to have a way to filter out the noise.
Hopefully, one day I can be on that list!
I am glad I made your ‘blogs to keep’ list. I use a Google reader too and have TONS of feeds that I follow…but the blogs in my list are blogs I actually visit and comment on and I love them so much that I just had to highlight them on my blog so others can see them too.
I guess I have to really step up my game to stay on your list. 🙂
whew… I stayed on the list. :whew:
Must keep producing content….must keep producing (good) content… lol