Thanks for the Hits: October 2007 Top Referring PF Sites
October was a record number for “natural hits”. Let me clarify for you:
- In March 2007, I had over 40,000 unique visits, but many were from Digg.
- In April 2007, I had over 21,000 unique visits, but many were from Lifehacker and Consumerist.
- This month, October 2007, I’ve had almost 21,000 unique visits from consistent growth, search engine referrals, and of course links from my fellow bloggers. That was a 4,000+ visitor increase from September! Oh, and of course I broke the 1000 subscriber barrier this month, and as I write this, I’m approaching 1,200 subscribers!
So I want to say thanks to the top 10 referring personal finance blogs (here’s September’s report). You’ll see last month’s ranking in parentheses after their current ranking. If they weren’t in the top 10 last month, I marked them with a hyphen (the stats came from Google Analytics):
- (1) The Simple Dollar (with a full 30% of the PF blog referrals)
- (2) No Credit Needed
- (6) My Money Blog
- (-) Frugal Law Student
- (3) Mighty Bargain Hunter
- (5) Five Cent Nickel
- (-) The Digerati Life
- (-) Get Rich Slowly
- (-) My Two Dollars
I do want to give an honorable mention to both Money, Matter & More Musings and Blogging Away Debt as they just missed the ranking by one or two referrals, and quite a few fell within 5 referrals from #10.
Sure, the sites you see listed here are the big name sites (mostly), but don’t feel bad if you’re a newer or smaller site. We all start somewhere, and to compete with the “big boys” (and girls), just keep writing good content, networking with your fellow bloggers, and of course linking to my articles and site 🙂
Thanks for making Clever Dude a success this month everyone!
Congrats on the subscriber and visitor increase!
Cool! Glad to be of service 😉
Great job with subscribers. I’m one of them and I love it!