Thanks for the Hits! April 2009 Traffic Numbers
As I write this article, I’m also preparing for my final class of the Spring 2009 semester. And it can’t come too soon. I’ve been thinking of some really good article ideas, but have had no time between my new job and school and travel every weekend (still more travel coming up though).
As a status update, I’m loving my new job, especially compared to my last one. I worked 28 hours over Friday and Saturday, but I accomplished more during those 28 hours than I did for 4 years of federal contracting. It’s an empowering feeling to be in a productive job!
As for major traffic accomplishments in April, I reached 1,000,000 page views and over 600,000 unique visitors in the almost 3 years of running this site. The next goal is a million unique visitors! And being on Trent’s 25 Favorite Personal Finance Blogs list will help me with that goal 🙂 I most definitely appreciate being on so many peoples’ blogrolls, and that’s the point of this monthly article. So onto the numbers!
Traffic Sources
At a high level:
Search Engines: 67%
Referring Sites: 18% (dropped by 5%)
Direct Traffic: 15%
Top Personal Finance Blog Referrers
And now to what everyone (or at least every PF blog) reads this article for: my top referrers for April. You’ll see last month’s rank after the new rank in (). If they weren’t ranked last month, you’ll see a (-).
- (3) My Money Blog
- (1) Smart Spending
- (2) Five Cent Nickel
- (6) No Credit Needed
- (-) I’ve Paid for this Twice Already…
- (5) Wise Bread
- (8) Free Money Finance
- (9) Cheap Healthy Good
- (-) Budgets are Sexy (oh, and I just added J’s site to my own blogroll in April)
- (7) Frugal Dad
Top Non-PF Blog Referrers
- Google Search (58%)
- Direct Traffic (15%)
- Yahoo! Search (4%)
- StumbleUpon
- Google Reader and Homepage
- MSN Search
- AOL Search
- Live Search
Again, thanks to all my readers, fellow bloggers, commenters, search engines and scrapers for making this site such a success!
Congrats on the impressive stats.
I can only hope to be there in 2-3 years 🙂
Wow! Congrats on those numbers! Thank you for posting your accomplishments in the blogging world. Young bloggers such as myself need all the encouragement we can get. And you’re right, Trent will surely direct a lot of traffic your way. Way to go clever dude!
Congrats on the growth… keep up the good work.
Woohoo! I’ve hit the big times baby (awww yeahhhh). With that said, why the hell are you missing PF Happy Hour this Thursday 🙁 Am I supposed to drink pink fruity drinks by myself? sheesh.