Some of my favorite things
Lulugal has tagged me with a stinkin chain letter-type post, and as much as I wanted to just trash the pingback, I decided it would be a fun post for the weekend:
Here are some of my favorite things.
Song: There are songs that come and go, but Two Step by Dave Matthews Band has stuck around as one of my favorites. Right now, I’m enjoying a number of songs by NeedToBreathe. We saw them in concert a few weeks ago, and really liked their positive personality and basically upbeat and well-played songs.
Color: Blue, although I’m not big on wearing it. And I liked the color long before I went to Penn State!
Food: I used to love anything with potatoes, but this is a tough one now. If I were to choose an ethnic cuisine, it would be 1) Ethiopian 2)Indian 3)Chinese. Washington DC is the number 1 place (outside of Ethiopia) to find Ethiopian food. If you’ve never tried it, don’t knock it, cause it’s amazing. I actually plan to write up a review of a new Ethiopian cafe a few miles from us, but I’m waiting to get some of their print materials. They’re still pretty new.
TV Show: I’m beginning to dislike how much TV wastes my time, but maybe it’s because I know I want to be outside more in the spring and summer. However, since I first caught it in its first season, Scrubs has been my favorite show. It’s just a darn good show and I think NBC has consistently screwed it over in its marketing and time slots, especially in its first 2-3 seasons. As a side-note, I really don’t like crime dramas because they’re very depressing. Plus there’s just TOO MANY OF THEM!
Movie: It was always a toss-up between Dumb and Dumber and Friday, but I think I can easily watch D&D over and over again in a single sitting while I would need a break from Chris Tucker. I finally agreed (with myself) to watch United 93, and I cried. The plane crashed about 15 miles from where I grew up in PA, and having visited the crash site, the movie just really hit me. I recommend visiting Shanksville, PA and seeing the site. It’s totally different than visiting the Pentagon or WTC site because it’s out in the country and locals volunteer their time to discuss the entire event and plans for the site. I also cried at the crash site. I never cry, but it was really hard to hold it back. Wow, I went from Dumb and Dumber to United 93 and crying in one paragraph!
Animal: I thought about choosing some totally out-there animal, but I have to go with a dog. I personally like Boxers (the dog), but they’re (almost) all so lovable, I could love any dog. Oh, we don’t have one, but I always grew up with one. I also had guinea pigs, iguanas, fish, chameleons, and whatever weird creature I’ve picked up out in the field while I was young (like a dying monarch butterfly).
Ok, time to tag some other people to fill this out. Hmm, who do I think would actually do this. I’ll go for Jim, Nickel, Flexo, MBH, and Juan (who has been tagged, but still needs to do it).
See that wasn’t so hard to do now was it. I am a big potato fan too so I will forgive you for saying D+D is your fave movie. 🙂
LOL. I swear you guys need to stop re-tagging me!! What you want me to do — write the same post again?? lol
Well, maybe I didn’t read your site. Ever think of that! (just getting back at you for using your site-is-down as an excuse for not visiting my own site)
you seem to like a lot of animals. i love dogs, birds, and tropical fish too.
Two step is a great song CD!!
Gotta love the dave matthews 😛
My fave Dave Matthews is Crash Into Me. I also like Don’t Drink the Water.