Saving Money and Energy in Your Home: How You Can Do Both
For many people, saving money is like a foreign language. It can be really difficult to save a substantial amount of money. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible! If you’re able, you should be trying to save as much of your money as you can be. Sometimes, this means knowing where your money is being wasted.
You’ve probably noticed that your energy bill is where a good deal of your money goes. Energy use in the states is doubling every 20 years. As a result, finding ways to lower the costs associated with your energy bills is going to be a huge way you can save money on your home.
The Windows and Doors
There are some areas in the home that are known for being trouble areas. For instance, when it comes to heating and cooling, your windows and doors are critically important. A typical family spends about a third of their annual heating and cooling bill on air that leaks out through gaps and cracks. This equates to about $350 worth of energy use that you could’ve saved or spent elsewhere. Though that may not seem like a lot per year, that number will add up quickly.
As a result, it’s important to remember to upgrade your windows and doors after a few years and check for any other areas where air may be seeping through. There are even energy-efficient windows you can get that will prevent warm or cool air from escaping.
The Roof
Similarly, your roofing material can play a big role in your energy costs. Simply choosing the right roofing material could decrease your home energy costs by 30%. For example, metal roofs, though they can get very hot, are good at reflecting the light and therefore good at sending the heat away from the home. Take that a step further and install some solar panels on your roof or in your yard and your energy costs would decrease even further.
The Lights
A smaller but still significant way you can save money on your energy bill is by changing your lightbulbs to LED bulbs. Though they are a bit more expensive upfront, they last much longer than regular bulbs and use less energy. If you’re interested in doing everything you can, this is an easy first step to take and it can make quite a difference in combination with other energy-saving efforts.
Aside from your energy bill, there are lots of ways to help reduce costs around the house to try and save some money. For example, cooking from home instead of eating out multiple times a month is a sure-fire way to save some money. Along the same lines, making your own snacks and cooking in bulk will help to save money as well. Similarly, using reusable cloths or towels as napkins or to clean up messes can help save you costs, too. Find what works best for you and make the changes necessary if saving money is your ultimate goal.
yeah, this is possible we just need to be more discipline.