Progressive Homequote Explorer Will Save You Time and Money

Everyone should get in the habit of periodically evaluating each of their monthly expenses for value and to ensure they’re getting the very best price for the product or service. One monthly expense to review is your homeowner’s insurance. Rates can vary widely between insurance carriers, making it worth your time to do a little comparison-shopping every now and then. Unfortunately, gathering insurance quotes can be time-consuming. You may have to visit many websites, fill out multiple quote forms, call multiple carries, and many people simply don’t have the time. It’s with you in mind that I introduce Progressive’s new quoting experience, HomeQuote Explorer.
HomeQuote Explorer gives consumers the ability to enter information about themselves and their home once and quickly receive multiple insurance rates and coverage quotes from multiple companies.
I decided to take HomeQuote Explorer for a spin and see for myself how it worked.
Entering Information
Users start by entering their zip code. HomeQuote Explorer then accesses public information to fill in as much information for you as possible. For example, after entering my address, HomeQuote Explorer filled in the siding type and square footage of my home. Then you move on to describing internal features of the home including a number of bathrooms, type of countertops, and whether your home has a deck or a fireplace. HomeQuote Explorer provides illustrations to help you answer these questions quickly and easily.
Insurance Quotes
Once you enter your information, with a click of a button, you receive rates and coverages from multiple companies side-by-side for you to compare/contrast.
What I Didn’t Like
Email Address Request: It wasn’t a surprise that I had to give my email address to use the service. But it wasn’t necessary since I was shown the results at the end of entering my information versus receiving them in an email.
Now, Progressive likely does this to make retrieving insurance quotes easier. Most people don’t know their quote number or may not have it in handy when they want to chat with a representative. If this is the case, you can always give them your email address (but you may receive some unwanted emails).
Social Security Number Request: Entering my social security number wasn’t mandatory, but it did state it was necessary to get the most accurate quote. I don’t like the idea of giving out my SSN just to get a quote.
Progressive has stated the reason for wanting users to provide their social security number to provide the best rate. Some carriers will run a sift credit inquiry before approving you for insurance.
Provider Selection: I was shown 4 different quotes, one from Progressive and 3 from companies I had never heard of before. I would prefer if it provided quotes from more well-known providers I would think to call if I were manually doing price comparison shopping.
What I Loved
Time Saved: It took only 6 minutes from the time I started entering my address to when I was looking at quotes. I honestly thought the process was going to take much longer. The tool accesses public records to fill in as much information as it can. This helps speed up the process, as well as provides information some homeowners may not have readily available. If the information is incorrect, you can edit it.
Actually Shown Quotes: I’ve used similar services before that promised to give quotes on everything from lawn care to auto insurance. Each time it promised that I’d have my quote in minutes, but what really happens is they send my information to nearby providers and they call me on my phone.
One of the reasons I want to use a service like this is to NOT talk to anyone until I’m ready. I thought that this would be the case with HomeQuote Explorer but it wasn’t. It was refreshing to actually be shown quotes on my screen and not be contacted via telephone for weeks to come.
Competitive Price: Comparing the estimated premiums to what I pay now, they seem very competitive. These are quotes to pay attention to!
HomeQuote Explorer has a few things that could be improved upon, but overall it’s a great tool to have in your money-saving tool belt. Everyone should be re-evaluating their recurring expenses, and price-comparing different providers to find the best possible price. HomeQuote Explorer is a quick and easy-to-use way for you to find out if you can save money on your homeowner’s insurance or if another company may better fit their needs.
How about you, clever friends, do you re-evaluate your home insurance periodically? Have you checked out HomeQuote Explorer?
For more information on HomeQuote Explorer, watch this video. To get a quote, visit HomeQuote Explorer.