Personal Finance Basics: Introduction
While going through my bookshelf, I found my high school personal finance book. I’ve run across it a few times in the last decade-plus, but something kept me from tossing it. Well, the book is 18 years old, but still has some valuable educational information for people of all ages. Oh, and it has a wad of gum stuck to the back cover, probably also from high school.
So I shall consider this book excellent fodder for yet another series here at Clever Dude: Personal Finance Basics.
If you’re wondering, the book is “Managing Your Personal Finances“, second edition, by Joan S. Ryan. The link is to the 5th edition, but I wouldn’t expect any of you to spend $70-80 to buy the book. That wouldn’t make good economic sense since you can get so much great information here, right?
I had no idea that personal finance was taught in high school. At least it wasn’t an option where I went to school.