I’m a big winner this week!
I got back from visiting my family this Mother’s Day weekend and learned that I won not just one contest, but two!
I won the Get Organized Giveaway hosted by JLP at AllFinancialMatters.com . My name was pulled from a list of 89 entries (via comments to the post) and I won the Life.doc organizer. I was actually talking to my wife this weekend that we need something like this.
And just today, Nickel from FiveCentNickel.com announced the 6 winners in his big 2 Year Anniversary Giveaway. I won’t know what I’ve won (iPod, book, USB drive, or a brick) until I actually get the prize. Of course I can use the brick for the retaining wall I need to build next to our pool. Hope it’s the right size and color!
Thanks JLP and Nickel!
(Picture Charlie Brown dressed as a ghost) “I got a rock!”