Guess the Nasdaq Closing Price – Contest Update
The contest to win $100 by guessing the Nasdaq closing price for this coming Friday is closed to new entries, but you can all follow along to see whether comes out the winner with the closest average guess (among its 8 entries) and/or closest single guess.
As I mentioned, we had 8 entries out of the total 38 contestants, which is pretty darn good considering the low weekend traffic that plagues us personal finance websites (compared to weekdays). Personally, I was outside all weekend doing yard and housework, and I sure am tired!
The 3 communities participating are, Stock Trading 101, and Million Dollar Journey.
Blain has posted the updated contest details over at his site. He is keeping a running tally of the closest 5 picks. Clever Dude doesn’t have any of its participants’ guesses in the top 5, but we all know the market changes every day, and tomorrow could throw a few of you into the top 5 (and garner some link love at the same time).
Remember, the number that really matters is at the closing bell on Friday.
CD, its all the ST101 community this week, I have a good feeling we are going all the way!
I feel ya on the being outside, my roommate and I played tennis today since we had great weather here in Michigan.