Get TurboTax Deluxe Plus State for $20.99 + Free Shipping
NOTICE: Costco has pulled this offer as of Monday 1/21/08, but you can enter to win one of 2 free copies of TurboTax Premier right here (ends Friday, Feb 5th, 2010)
For a number of years now, I’ve used H&R Block’s TaxCut Online software, and it’s worked well enough for me. However, since we’ve had a considerable amount of business income in 2007, I wanted to try the software that many other PF bloggers use to do their taxes: TurboTax. Most likely, I’ll do my taxes in both Taxcut and TurboTax this year to compare the results before declaring a winner.
Oh yeah, I was supposed to link to the $20.99 deal. Here it is:
Costco has a deal for a number of TurboTax products, but we’ll be buying TurboTax Deluxe Plus State. You don’t have to be a member to buy! We’re not Costco members, so we’ll be charged a 5% surcharge, but we’re still saving a good deal of dough here:
MSRP: $49.95
Online Price: $35.99
Coupon: -$15.00 (You’ll see this at checkout. No code needed)
Final Price: $20.99
Plus, you get FREE SHIPPING! Our total, with surcharge ($1.80) and tax ($2.27) was $25.06.
This is probably the cheapest you’ll find TurboTax out there, even when compared to many employer discounts.
Thanks for the tip. Just picked up a copy this morning. Definitely the cheapest out there!
I’m a big fan of Taxcut and I have used it for the last 4 years.
Do you know how long that sale is going to be lasting? I think TurboTax may be the way to go for us too…lots of working in lots of different states.
MM: Not sure how long. I would hope at least a week or two, but I’m not familiar with Costco’s pricing and sales policies.
I’m curious about the advantages of this over TurboTax online. If you use TurboTax online through Fidelity, you get a nice discount and eFile is included. If you use the CD version, the cost seems lower, but eFile is not included and can run something like $18 for each federal and state. Do people not trust the online version or is there something more I’m missing that differentiates the two?
I just checked this morning, and this offer is no longer available.
Thanks Shawn, I’ll update the post.
i am sure you know that these are for 2007 taxes or is this website out of date?
You should close this site. The Turbotax we are now looking for is for tax year 2009.