Frugality is more than just saving money
Last week, I wrote a very quick post about a frugal idea I thought up that morning while shaving. I had the idea to use less shaving cream, but I never said anything in the article about “saving money”, or even money at all. But if you read the comments, most people argue that trying to save a few cents by using less shaving cream is a useless idea because either they don’t go through shaving cream/gel often enough, or a few cents just isn’t worth their time.
I’d like to rebut these statements in two ways:
1. A few cents becomes a few dollars, and those dollars can earn interest – However, I do recognize in my own life that there’s something called “cost/benefit analysis” and saving a few pennies may not be worth my time, depending on how much time it takes to do so. However…
2. Who says being frugal is just about saving money? I was simply sharing how much shaving gel I wasted each day. I’m not a hippy tree-hugger, but I also don’t like clutter, and that extends to waste as well. If there’s something you can easily train yourself to do (i.e. dispensing less lotion/gel/soap/paper towels/etc.), then do so.
We have full rights, just like any other creature, to use what is on this planet, but that doesn’t mean you need to OVERUSE it.
I’m starting on a simple, basic level. I’m not proposing that you just stop shaving, showering, eating, or breathing. Although I’ve considered switching to a hermit lifestyle and live in a cave and eat bugs, I could never do so. Well, unless the cave has wireless internet and a power outlet.
Anyway, I got off topic there. Frugality isn’t just about saving money. It’s about using less than you want or think that you need. Some of us practice frugality by not overeating, or by driving more efficiently, or by reusing plastic bags from the grocery store. But those are simple ways to avoid waste and save a little of the planet for our children (not sure if it’ll make it to our grandchildren at this rate though).
Hey Clever Dude… A lot of people scoff at my piggy bank for the same reason. But lo and behold, every few months, I have a few hundred dollars virtually without trying!
Here’s to little bits that add up to lots 🙂
I agree. I hate waste. I like to reuse, recycle, and use less. I also hate clutter!
Saving money is great, but so is living in a clutter free environment and recycling resources.
Why are you even using shaving cream? 😉
Cause I have a face like a Brillo pad. I agree I get closer shaves, but it HURTS to shave without cream! I can shave in the shower, but I’m needlessly wasting water and the shavings splash everywhere.
I’ll consider the idea of buying an antifog mirror for the shower because I do need to see my face to get the quickest shave.
This is a money saving site so I’m not sure why so many people leave comments saying you’re wasting your time. Saving money is about being frugal and being frugal means not wasting what you have. I’ve read so many times to use half the toothpaste needed. I have about 10 tubes of toothpaste because I get them for free all the time with a coupon. I still use half the amount needed because I try to live a frugal life style. There are a lot of creative ideas for saving money because for those who read a lot and practice it, it’s hard to find more.
Keep the tips coming Clever Dude! You’ve got great ideas.
I agree. I don’t need to be frugal, but I maintain the habit. I wrote about Carol Saal recently, a multi-millionaire philanthropist who saves paper clips. I totally get it.
It’s about not wasting and being grateful for what you have. And also having more to share, in the Saal’s case.