Festival of Frugality #74 Recap: The LATE, LATE Edition
That’s right, I’m about 2 weeks late on the recap for this Festival of Frugality hosted by Millionster. I’ve had the article starred in my Google Reader, but I just didn’t get around to reading it until today!
Here’s some articles I really liked:
- Galvanized rants about the bottled water fad. We get bottled water for the convenience, not for the taste or perceived health benefits over tap water. It’s not like I can ask the clerk at a 7-11 to fill up my reusable water container for free, and I wouldn’t trust that tap water anyway. However, I admit $1 per bottle (usually more) is way too steep for bottled tap water. Jim at BPfFP has found bottled water costs MUCH less in China.
- I’ve said before that big lists garner alot of attention. This time it’s Frugalist with 147 Tiny Tips to Healthier, Happier, Greener and Better. Set aside some time to read all of them though.
- Free Money Finance gives 18 ways to save on a small income. I didn’t save for so many years because I couldn’t control my spending and I didn’t think the little bit I could put away could make much of an impact. Believe me, every little bit helps, and more importantly, getting into the habit of saving (anything) is well worth the effort.
- My Two Dollars highlights an advertising company that will pay for your gasoline by showing ads on your car. I have considered selling ad space on my truck numerous times, but I’m just too lazy and I don’t drive much anymore.
- And finally, Opportunities Aplenty tells us how to get high-end building materials for free. I’m not adverse to “dumpster-diving”, and definitely not too proud to ask contractors or homeowners if they’d be willing to sell or give me their extra stuff.
I’ll be writing a recap of the 75th Festival of Frugality sometime this weekend, along with preparing for the Carnival of Personal Finance I’ll be hosting next week. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the mention Clever Dude!
Thank you for reading the article, Clever Dude. And thanks to Juan at Millionster, too! I’m new to this Festival of Frugality. What a great idea!