DC Blogger Happy Hour Recap
Just a quick post before heading out that I got together with 8 other personal finance bloggers last evening for a happy hour in D.C. We hung out at Fado Irish Pub on 7th Street in D.C. for a good 3 hours before realizing it was 9 o’clock and some of us still had 45 minutes to commute home!
Some of the bloggers were new (to me) while I’ve hung out with a few others on multiple occasions. Since names and aliases were flying around all night, I’ll just post the name they use on their website to protect their privacy if they so wish. And if I’ve forgotten anyone who attended, please correct me! I warned you all I have a poor memory so forgive me in advance!
In Almost Random Order:
- Mapgirl from Mapgirl’s Fiscal Challenge – As usual, she organized the happy hour, but we have someone else to thank for the choice of location…
- DH from Debt Hater – She chose the location (great pub!). Congrats on the upcoming CC debt payoff!
- Mrs Micah from well, Mrs. Micah’s Finance. Yeah, I’m still pondering the “groundbreaking post” we talked about at the last happy hour.
- J from Budgets are Sexy. As I told him on the train home, his is one of the best site designs for newer PF blogs that I’ve seen. J has a lot of energy and a cool mohawk (jealous)!
- HC from One Big Mortar Board. So the mortar board has to do with student loans, eh?
- James from DINKS Finance. One of these times we’ll meet Miel, but I guess she’s kind of tied up in Afghanistan.
- Jaylin from You Are Not Your Wallet. When is she going to drop a “comment bomb” here?!?
- Donna Jean from The Weight of Money. Now I gotta catch up on your site!
Ok, gotta run. Go check out these fellow DC bloggers and think about subscribing to their feeds too!
A pleasure meeting you my man! I really appreciate your advice last night, and looking forward to future bloggings 🙂
You guys who live in the area should think of doing happy hours Pop Candy style.. not sure if you read it, it’s a blog on USAToday focusing on pop culture. But Whitney, the writer, will have happy hours in different cities she’s in where readers can meet her and one another, chat, etc. Of course, I live in Arlington so I have ulterior motives for my suggestion. 🙂
Glad to hear that you’re still pondering it. 🙂 And good to see you again.
It was great meeting you as well, glad I finally worked up the nerve to hit one of these — not out of shyness factors, but because the commute back home was over 1.5 hours. Country life is great, until you wanna hit up happy hour in DC.