Dating in the Digital Age:13 Online Dating Tips for Older Men

Online dating was considered a weird, fringe social activity not even 20 years ago. Now, more people meet online before meeting in real life than ever before. Online dating is the new norm, not the outlier. Online dating tips and advice even exist for older men, not just young people.
Dating gets harder as we age, but it is not impossible. Are you a man in your 40s, 50s, or older interested in online dating? Here are 13 online dating tips to help you get started.
1. What Are You Looking For in a Match?

Many online dating sites require you to fill out a questionnaire to help match you with other people. One of the best online dating tips for older men is not to rush it. What are you looking for in a dating site? Are you looking for casual dating, platonic friendships, or a marriage-minded soulmate? Take time to brainstorm what you are looking for in a potential online dating match before you start looking.
2. Be Wary of Choosing the Wrong Sites

There are many kinds of online dating sites. You should choose the best one for your needs instead of experimenting blindly. Some online dating apps market to young people, people of specific races, ethnicities, or religions, locations, non-traditional alternative lifestyles, long-distance international relationships, interracial dating, and so on. Don’t blindly join any dating site; do some investigating and research beforehand.
3. Ask Trusted Friends for Help

Don’t be embarrassed to ask trusted family and friends for advice. Middle-aged single men can get the best online dating tips from those they know. Over half of people between the ages of 50 to 64 have active social media profiles. Over 13% of people between the ages of 50 to 65 regularly use dating apps. Dating online as an older man can feel daunting, so get help or advice from trusted family or peers if you can.
4. Compare The Best Online Dating Sites

One of the best online dating tips to heed is to consider your options wisely. Check out a variety of dating apps or sites for older people and see what works for you. Choose websites that cater to older people looking for like-minded connections. Some of the better online dating sites and apps for seniors include Senior Match, Senior Singles, Singles 50, Our Time, and Plenty of Fish.
5. Setting Up Your Dating Profile

The best online dating tips for older men should always mention the right way to set up your initial dating profile. Your online dating profile will contain your picture, extremely generalized information about yourself, your interests, and what you’re looking for in another person. You will be judged by every aesthetic and sentence in your profile, so don’t rush it. Peruse a few sites, check out their dating profile templates, and perfect your own before posting.
6. Post an Impressive Profile Pic

Humans are visual creatures who primarily communicate nonverbally. According to some studies, it can take anywhere between one-fifth of a second to three seconds for someone to decide if they’re attracted to someone else based on aesthetics. Elicit the help of friends to choose the right outfits and take several pics before choosing the right one. Dress to impress in your profile pic; don’t post shirtless, lewd, or crude pics on your profile.
7. Don’t Lie on Your Dating Profile

Don’t lie or exaggerate on your dating profile. Don’t post a 20-year-old pic of yourself to make yourself look younger. Don’t post pics on your profile that show off a luxury lifestyle you don’t live in reality. Present yourself as you truly are and only accommodate engagement from others who appear to do the same.
8. Maintain a Few Profiles on Several Sites

You should not put your eggs into one basket when it comes to online dating, especially if you’re in your 40s, 50s, or older. Maintain a dating profile or two or three sites, or as many as you can handle, while engaging others online. Dating gets harder as we age, not easier, so keep your options open. Don’t choose a soulmate from the first person you match with after a message or two.
9. Don’t Be Rude, Don’t Tolerate It From Others

Don’t harass or be sexually crude to people you encounter online. Also, never engage with rude or emotionally unstable people who wish to take out their misery on you with negative online exchanges. Immediately block such people and only engage with positive and interesting people that pique your interest. The best online dating tips about social media etiquette demand you treat others the way you want to be treated and never take B.S. from anyone.
10. Be Patient and Observe

One of the best online dating tips is to be patient in your journey and observe. It will take time before you can trust someone you meet online enough to meet them in the real world. Don’t be in a rush to meet someone you met online. Phony and emotionally unstable people can only play-act for so long before revealing their true selves. Take time to feel confident and compatible enough with someone before meeting them.
11. Only Post Generalized Information About Yourself

Trust must be earned and verified, even in the age of online dating. The best online dating tips from experts for older men demand that you always protect your private data. Never post your address, real full name, phone number, identifications, or any identifying or vital data on your online profile. Don’t post data about your family, friends, children, or ex-spouses on an online dating site. Protect your private data and don’t make it easier to get scammed.
12. Beware of Scammers and Toxic Personalities

Some online dating tips are just common sense, especially when you consider how hard it is for older men to date. Be wary of anyone who aggressively wants to rush a meeting, fall in love quickly, ask for money, or demand your personal and financial information. Block anyone who aggressively hounds you for personal data.
A first date should be a coffee or pizza date or something cheap; the aim is to get to know someone. Avoid anyone trying to use you for a free, one-time luxury dinner. Block anyone who wants to fall in love as quickly as possible; they may not be scammers, but they may be toxic personality types who love drama and chaos more than peace of mind.
13. Tell Others Before Meeting Someone

There are no universally accepted rules when it comes to online tips, but the primary one is to always protect yourself. You should spend weeks or months conversing with someone online before you feel comfortable meeting with them. Meet in a public space. Tell someone you trust where you’re going as a precaution.
Online Dating Tips For Older Men
Dating is a journey to find the best person for you, not a destination within itself. Be patient, take your time, and protect yourself and your private data. Make sure you have the time and energy to engage, converse, and meet strangers online.
You might be able to find that special person via online dating, even if you’re an older man. Just remember to keep your options open and don’t rush anything.
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Allen Francis was an academic advisor, librarian, and college adjunct for many years with no money, no financial literacy, and no responsibility when he had money. To him, the phrase “personal finance,” contains the power that anyone has to grow their own wealth. Allen is an advocate of best personal financial practices including focusing on your needs instead of your wants, asking for help when you need it, saving and investing in your own small business.