Carnival of Personal Finance #93 at Tired but Happy
I know I won’t be the first the say this, but TiredButHappy must be tired from all that work this weekend to create the 93rd Carnival of Personal Finance, but happy that it’s finally published. HAHA! Oh boy that was bad.
Anyway, my FAVORITE article HAS to be the awesome 5 ways going bald gracefully can save you time, money and more….oh wait, that one was mine. Well, TBH liked it too since it was featured in the Editor’s Choice.
Here are some other articles I liked that you should also read:
- DCL presents a list of 65 personal finance tips for regarding personal finance. I don’t care if DCL is outsourced to low-cost writers; their lists are great!
- Grad Money debates the idea of not going to college so you can start your own business. I have my own thoughts on this sparked by You Call the Shots. You can read my review of Cameron Johnson’s book here.
- ExtremePerspective provides some optimistic numbers to show our economy isn’t doing too bad
- Anxiety Ended shows us how childhood experiences with money can cause our anxieties as an adult
- As a good followup, the Frugal Law Student offers 11 video games that can help teach YOU and YOUR KIDS about money and personal finance
- Money, Matter and More Musings explains how a $100 brake offer turned into an almost $700 repair job. We have to take our Grand Am in for repairs and I worry how they’re going to try to take advantage of us, so I’ve been procrastinating as well. However, we have the luxury of just not driving the car since we have 2 others
- The Digerati Life catalogs all the mistakes that cost them over $1000. I have a couple of my own that I’ll write about in the coming months…as soon as I get the courage to admit them
- SLC Real Estate gives a great analysis of who benefits from a down payment. We didn’t pay any down payment, but still got a decent rate, but we had good credit, good income and some cash reserves (barely). And in 2 years when we refinance (5/1 IO Arm), we’ll be rid of most of our debt and hopefully have even more cash in the coffer
- PFAdvice (and his commentors) give a good rundown of why the Forever Stamp isn’t a good buy. Maybe that’s why the Post Office is the the #1 company we could do without
- And finally, KMull looked into selling his old cellphones and was surprised at what he found.
Thanks for the linkage! Loved the balding one as well. Fantastic!
Thanks for the link! I really appreciate it.
most of these links were a monumental waste of time, especially the usps one.
i know one day i will come here and find something that is actually useful.
I don’t like to discourage my fellow personal finance bloggers from writing, but that’s why I give my own short-list of articles of interest to me.
Perhaps you’ll find some articles of interest in June when I host the Carnival of Personal Personal Finance here at Clever Dude!
and just cause i am extra cheery, let me bash the economy:
* Household net worth has risen to over $55 trillion – an increase of 7.4% since 2005…when a 240 hitter can make 3 million a year, yeah, no wonder why the net worth is up.
* Corporate profits are up 20% over last year you can thank BUSHCO for killing us in gasoline and us paying through the ear for gas…RICO needs to be kicked in
* US households, at $28.8 trillion, have more net financial assets than the rest of the world combined…we also are the country with the highest DEBT in the world. just cause you have a car and a house doesn’t mean you paid for it.
* 9.5 million new jobs have been created since 9/11 and unemployment is likely to drop below 4.5% led by mcdonalds and walmart, where the govt pays for the employees health care.
* 89% of Americans feel secure in their jobs – higher than any time in the 1990’s walmart will always need baggers and greeters.
* 52% of people are satisfied with their jobs: being satisified and being happy are two different things.
* 71% of people feel secure in their financial situation – higher than in the 90’s…who in the world are they interviewing, people right out of highschool? ask 10 coworkers, and 7 of them will say that they are more financially secure? sure, whatever.
* only 9% are worried about making minimum payments on credit card debt: because the other 91% either just don’t pay or don’t go into credit card debt. those without credit card debt are the smart ones.
* 88% are not worried about losing their jobs to outsourcing
must not be in the tech field.
i think i am going to make up random surveys tomorrow