Best Frugality Posts from Festival of Frugality 81
Man, another week has gone by already? Well, this time I wasn’t distracted by a trip to pick up Mapgirl’s motorcycle, so I remembered to submit an article to this week’s Festival of Frugality hosted by Tight Fisted Miser. It seems that this is my week because, just like in yesterday’s Carnival of Personal Finance, my article was featured as an Editor’s Pick! For the festival, I submitted “Frugality is more than just saving money“.
Here are my own editor’s picks from this week’s Festival of Frugality:
- SavingAdvice details 10 “Necessities” that really aren’t necessary. It seems this site is becoming a staple in my Carnival/Festival recaps these last 2 weeks!
- The Happy Rock highlights the pros and cons of spending with cash.
- The Scratching Post combines a little humor with some common sense in The iPhone and Sushi.
- The Common Room gives a very detailed method for drastic budgeting in the kitchen. It’s a little difficult to read without being in a bulleted list (hint!), but contains very good information.
- And finally, Free Money Finance sparked my interest with his writeup of whole-house fans. Honestly, it gets 95 degrees upstairs in our house, which happens to be our bedroom, during the summer months. We have a window A/C unit because our central air doesn’t really reach upstairs (it was retrofitted for our 66 year old house). If I could force out all that hot air with the flick of a switch, then I’m in! We’re planning on redoing our upstairs (partially gutting it) in the fall, so I’ll look into this fan.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for the kind words and the link!