Best Frugality Articles from Festival of Frugality #87
Another week has gone by, and another Festival of Frugality has been hosted by Frugal for Life. This is her 8th one! I didn’t have any frugal posts, so I didn’t participate in this one, but I’d still like to highlight some of my favorites:
- The Juice Fairy (huh?) compares some popular cleaning products and their old-school alternatives in “Think Green and Save Money“. I agree with every one (haven’t seen the Carpet Flick before though). The Clorox Toilet Wand is such a waste. Just clean it with a regular brush and stop wasting your money!
- Cheap Healthy Good wrote a huge resource to help plan meals with very picky eaters as guests. This is a great list of ideas since my wife is actually a very picky eater. Oh, and I’m like her guest “J and M” in that I also “will generally consume anything, up to and including dolphins.” Stacie and I actually cook separate meals because she generally won’t eat what I’ll eat (too salty, or just tastes bad to her), while I won’t eat what she eats because it’s so bland. It’s worked so far, but I wish Stacie would eat Chinese food! She does like Indian and Ethiopian food though.
- My Wealth Builder knows when to tackle home improvement projects, and when to leave it to the pros. I love trying to do things myself, but there’s just some tasks too risky (cost-wise) or time-consuming to attempt myself. As an added resource, LukeProg lists a number of top do-it-yourself websites. You might want to bookmark this one!
- No Credit Needed has posted a useful article about resources for eBay auction listings. I’ve hesitated posting any of our stuff for sale on eBay because it’s been so long since I last sold anything through it. However, I’m not having any luck selling my Washburn XB925 Bass Guitar locally, so I might try eBay next.
Thanks for the props. Glad you liked my post.
juice fair·y – noun
1.supernatural being possessing magical powers with which they intervene in human affairs by providing gossip
LOL, thanks for the definition Juice Fairy
Thanks for the link, Clever Dude! I love your banner, by the way.
Dang – I love the Clorox Toilet wand! Well, I guess there is frugal and then there is frugal.