Best Finance Posts from Carnival of Personal Finance #119
Yet again I failed to submit any articles to all 3 major carnivals/festivals, but that doesn’t mean I won’t read them and give some lovin’!
This week, Blunt Money has hosted the 119th Carnival of Personal Finance, and even included a custom-made crossword puzzle! I also like the clean look and categorization of this carnival. Here are some of my favorites:
- David at My Two Dollars answers a readers question “Do you ever spend money on anything?” No, just because we all talk about saving money and cutting spending, it doesn’t mean we don’t know how to spend money to have fun.
- GRACEful Retirement details her and her daughter’s methods for answering debt collector’s calls.
- Andy at Money Walks shows us his car gas experiment. Honestly, after working at an oil company for 4 years, I can assure you that mid-grade is fairly worthless, and you should only bother with premium if you have a car that requires it.
- Grad Money Matters has an insane list of 82 Money Myths.
- Fire Finance has a great resource article about credit score myths and facts.
- Millionaire Mommy compares gender and money.
- Advanced Personal Finance has a unique look at the “Personal Finance Lifecycle“.
- Gather Little by Little proposes that patience is a virtue. Believe me, I shun buying the shiny new gadget when it first comes out. Heck, I just don’t buy any gadgets anymore!
Well, that was quite a bit more linkage than I normally give, but there were a lot of great articles this week!
I’m happy to hear you enjoyed my post on gender and money, Clever Dude. Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the mention, Clever Dude!
Thanks for the “linkage”!