Best Finance Posts from Carnival of Personal Finance #115
Free Money Finance has posted this week’s Carnival of Personal Finance. The carnival is a collection of links about finance, submitted by the authors and hosted by a single site. My article “You can’t trust that Carfax report!” was featured. Here are some of my favorite articles from the carnival:
- I loved Smart Money Daily’s article story of their tenant-landlord dispute. I KNOW you’ll enjoy the story too.
- Cheap Healthy Good gives 61 tips for travel eats on a budget.
- Saving with Me analyzes the Wants vs Needs of home ownership. I’m not sure if owning a home is a Need vs a Want, but it depends on the situation. I’ll be analyzing this later this week in my Examine Your Motives series.
- My Two Dollars tells us to stop the “I paid for this already” syndrome, and toss the clutter. I hate clutter, and I rarely hesitate to toss it if it’s causing me anxiety. However, Stacie is a keeper, and I usually yield to her wishes.
- Money, Matter, & More Musings asks “Why do people accept wedding gifts?“.
- The Digerati Life exposes some facts about low-income earners and what they can do to get off minimum wage.
Wow, you’re fast, your roundup’s up already? I thank you for selecting my post for your list :). Coolness!
DL: FMF posted it early, and I got the pingback last night. I couldn’t sleep so I read through all 200000 articles and did my roundup. I did consider future dating it to sometime today, but I wanted to impress people by being the first one up 🙂
Thanks, Clever Dude. The mention is much appreciated!