Best Finance Articles from the Carnival of Personal Finance #140
Wow, it felt like the Carnival of Personal Finance #139 was just last week. How time flies! Well, this week The Financial Blogger brings us a new edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance. In fact, it’s so new that they even added one more to its count to make it the CoPF #140!
Since I don’t feel like doing much at my day job, I think I’ll take some time to go through the seemingly endless wisdom of all the submissions this week and pick out top 5 nuggets that are truly worthy of my virtual ketchup:
- Clever Dude gives us a series on how to save money! Oh wait, that’s me. I just took someone else’s spot! I guess I’ll be a good sport and mention Great Money Challenge’s 10 things she does to save money.
- Did you know that you’re not your stuff, and it isn’t you? I bet you really did think you were that stuffed penguin, huh? Well let My Two Dollars explain the difference between flippers and wings for you.
- The wife and I are both on the same page that kids are just money pits, and I’ll go as far as saying that The Honest Dollar also thinks so too! Being a parent is a trap because kids take and take and take. Ok, maybe kids aren’t all that bad, but they do cost more than a houseplant!
- Reading Smart Easy Money’s article on the lessons she wished she learned earlier took me back to the days of Clever Kid when I had a full head of hair, but no savings. I wish I would have had the foresight to save up for hair transplant surgery!
- I wish I had a life. I guess I have to settle for Free Money Finance’s explanation of how the game of Life teaches personal finance. Then I’ll go cry in the corner and wish for a puppy.
- And as a bonus, I’ll throw in 20 surprising ways high oil prices affect the global economy by Who knew olive oil was in so much demand? Should we all start sucking up to Greece and Italy?
Dude, I am so a penguin, OK?
and Dude, thanks for being a sport putting me in the #1 spot on your list.. oh wait, almost #1.
Thanks for including my post!