Best Finance Articles from Carnival of Personal Finance #116
Wow, this was a busy week. So busy that I didn’t even get to read the 116th Carnival of Personal Finance until today. Advanced Personal Finance did a great job of hosting, even though I was stuck in the next to last slot under the section “Submissions that defy categorization” with my Examine Your Motives Series: Introduction article. Had I submitted Friday’s article in the series about Changing Jobs, but I didn’t want people to miss out on the entire series accidentally.
Thanks to APF for a great job in the organization of the articles, as well as the witty commentary on each. A host can make or break a carnival and this one was “made”. Here are some of my own favorites from the carnival:
- I agree with Gather Little by Little‘s steps to simplify your financial life. We use debit/credit cards to be able to directly track our expenditures. I lose track of how I spent my cash once a bill is broken, which is my fault, but I’ll never be able or want to track my cash expenditures if I only paid with cash. Granted, we don’t have weekly budget meetings because we know our goals and we both know what the other has spent money on, but I do speak with Stacie monthly about the “State of Our Finances”.
- Saving Explained has a number of great ways to keep your savings (or spending) on track.
- One Snarky Chica and I have similar money-related regrets. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are me too!
Glad you liked the article Mike and thanks for the link!