And the Winner of “Stay Healthy…” is
Commenter #8! To be specific, the winning comment came from Lance on April 23rd at 10:28am. I’ll be emailing Lance to get his mailing info, but if I don’t get a response back in a couple days, I’ll have to redraw. If you’re interested in buying your own copy of “Stay Healthy, Live Longer, Spend Wisely“, you can get it at Amazon for $16.47 right now.
This won’t be your last time to win a free book here at Clever Dude. I have 3 other books that I’m currently reading, and once I write up reviews of each, I’ll post a new contest to give each away!
If you’re wondering, I used’s integer generator. Out of 34 entries, it spit out number 8 (see below):
Great, thanks Mike – info is on the way!
The odds of winning the contest you have are great I’ll continue to enter. Oh yeah I like your content too. It’s just that free is right in my price range.
Mike – book received, and I’m looking forward to reading it. Thanks again!