Added New PF Blogroll Link: Don’t Mess with Taxes
My blogroll is precious as it represents those sites who I feel write from both the heart and the mind about various topics such as Credit and Investing. They’re a few are people I met in person (Nickel, Jim, and Nick), and some I’d like to meet, if only to get a trip to California. Ok, enough with link-dropping, time to get to the new stuff.
There are two things I don’t like thinking or talking about: Investing and Taxes. That’s why you’ll only find one of each topical site in my reader list. Honestly, since they’re my weak points, I really should add more of those types of sites to my list, but only a few can actually make them interesting, informative and understandable to a fool like me.
Funny thing is I was recently a contractor with the IRS, literally working daily with the people who develop, publish and distribute our tax forms, instructions, publications and other materials. Just goes to show how much I hate taxes that I almost never talk about it here.
So tonight I decided to add a site about taxes to my blogroll: Don’t Mess with Taxes. The author, Kay Bell, has been around for quite some time and seems to have a weird love for all things tax-related, plus cats, birds and hockey (according to her About page). Here’s a snippet:
Kay Bell is a proven professional in both journalism and corporate communications. Her career includes almost two decades in Washington, D.C., as Congressional staff as well as in the private sector, and several years writing for mass-circulation publications and Web sites.
Here are a few highlights from Don’t Mess with Taxes:
- Tax Carnival #26: Stocking Stuffers (tax articles from a bunch of other sites in a well-written format)
- Year-End Money Movies Series: Taxes, Investments, Retirement, Giving, Details
Kay, it’s good to have you on the list!
I love Kay’s blog. She’s actually very responsive to tax questions which is why I really like her site. She’s answered a few of my comment questions directly.
Kay’s great! I still remember when I first started blogging and she was the one who introduced me to the world of carnivals. I’ve learned a lot from her! 🙂
Good choice – I really enjoy DMWT myself!
Dude! Thanks! Your kind words are very much appreciated.