Get Ready for a Week of Book Giveaways!
I have 5 awesome books to give away, so I’ve decided to give away one per day this coming week. You’ll be eligible to win all 5, if somehow the random number picks your number each time (highly unlikely, but possible).
Here’s the list of books. I haven’t decided which one I’ll give away on each day yet:
1. “Does Your Bag Have Holes?” by Cameron Taylor. I actually have 2 copies of this book thanks to a mix-up with the Postal Service. Cameron sent these books on May 21st, but they didn’t get to me until mid-July! So now they’ll be yours!
2. “You Call the Shots” by Cameron Johnson. I reviewed this a while ago, but I’m cleaning off the shelves and decided to hand it over to my readers.
3. “Help is NOT a Four-Letter Word” by Peggy Collins. I was planning on giving this to one of a few friends, but decided against it and will be giving it to you!
4. “Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment” by William Byham. I haven’t reviewed this book, and honestly it was a book from my undergrad, but I recall it was a quality book to help you motivate others, and yourself. And now it can be yours!
JB says
But how do we enter to win a book?
Clever Dude says
@JB, I’ll post on that later