The Real Reason Why Men Die 6 Years Earlier Than Women

We’ve known for more than 100 years that women typically outlive men, but the gap between men and women has been widening in recent years. Research has shown that men die, on average, six years earlier than women. The reasons behind this go beyond genetics and healthcare habits. Pulling back the curtain, here are some of the reasons that men tend to die earlier than women (and what they can do to extend their lives).
1. Riskier Behavior and Lifestyle Choices
One thing that really impacts the average lifespan of a man is that they are more willing to engage in risky behavior. There are some things I’ve done that I know I’d never catch my wife even attempting. They are usually dumb, but fun. From reckless driving to extreme sports and dangerous workplace conditions, men often take chances that increase their likelihood of fatal accidents. On top of that, men are more likely to be drinkers and smokers. Both of these habits can contribute to long-term health issues, including heart disease and cancer.
2. Reluctance to Seek Medical Help
I’m one of “those guys.” I don’t head to the doctor unless there’s some kind of crazy accident or something seriously wrong. I’m not alone in this. Many men avoid routine checkups, leading to undiagnosed and untreated conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. Generally speaking, many men feel pressure from society to be tough and self-reliant. Just ignoring problems and dodging your annual checkups is dumb though. Preventative care could literally save your life, but men are less likely than women to attend regular medical screenings. A lot of the time, their health issues have already progressed to a more serious stage by the time they see the doc.
3. Higher Levels of Stress and Poor Coping Mechanisms
Men experience significant stress, often stemming from societal pressure to be providers and protectors. Unfortunately, many men cope with stress in unhealthy ways, such as suppressing emotions, excessive drinking, or overworking. Chronic stress increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, weakens the immune system, and can even contribute to mental health disorders. Unlike women, who are more likely to seek support from friends or therapy, men often internalize their struggles, leading to higher rates of suicide. Addressing mental health openly and promoting healthy stress management techniques is crucial for improving men’s longevity.
4. Biological Differences and Hormonal Impact
Biology also plays a role in why men die younger. Estrogen, a hormone more prevalent in women, provides cardiovascular protection, helping to lower the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, testosterone, which is dominant in men, is linked to higher aggression, risk-taking behaviors, and lower immune function. Men also have higher levels of “bad” cholesterol and lower levels of “good” cholesterol, which increases their risk of heart attacks and strokes. These hormonal differences make men more susceptible to life-threatening conditions at a younger age.
How Men Can Close the Gap
It’s true that genetics do play a role in the average lifespan of men and women. However, there are some things that men can do to prolong their lives. Some of these reasons that men die earlier than women are completely preventable. So, if you are reading this, make your health a priority and try not to take too many risks. Your life could literally depend on it.
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Drew Blankenship is a former Porsche technician who writes and develops content full-time. He lives in North Carolina, where he enjoys spending time with his wife and two children. While Drew no longer gets his hands dirty modifying Porsches, he still loves motorsport and avidly watches Formula 1.