How Can Proper Roof Maintenance Save You Money?
Maintaining your roof is more cost-effective than waiting for it to fail. Proper and regular roof maintenance is a smart investment for every homeowner. Leaks, water damage, ripped or torn shingles, roof bubbling, and clogged downspouts are all signs your roof is crying out for help. So, how can quick identification and remediation of these issues save you money? Let’s take a look!
1. Warranties
Did you know that over 14.6 million homes in the US are vulnerable to flooding-related issue. Expansion and contraction, direct sunlight, rain, winds, humidity, and storms can wear out your roof and reduce its life span. If your home has just gotten a new roof, it’s likely it has a workmanship warranty, which could last several years or a lifetime. However, there are still maintenance things you’ll still need to do to keep the warranty active.
2. Gutters
Typically, gutters collect leaves, debris, or pine needles, and rainwater or snowmelt can’t make it to the downspout when they’re clogged up. It starts overflowing the gutter, usually backing up underneath the shingles, and could start coming down through the soffit and into your home. There are some simple tools you can buy to clean this mess on your own.
3. Pipes
These are the flashing at the base of any pipe from your roof. Most of the time, it’s for your sewer, furnace, water heater vent pipes, or gas fireplace chimney pipe. The flashing at the base is like black rubber with a metal skirt underneath it. During harsh weather, the rubber boot can contract and pull away from the pipe, or the neoprene, the seal on the flashing, starts to break down, opening up huge spots or just a small crack for water to start getting into your attic. When this happens, damage could be extensive. For instance, the average cost of a roof replacement varies depending on three main factors: the size of the roof, the type of material used, and the region.
4. Nails
You’re inevitably going to have nails that are visible, say, at the bottom of your pipe jack, box vent, skylights, or any of your furnace pipes, and at the point where ridge lines terminate, meaning they can’t be covered by shingle. Proper maintenance involves sealing the nail heads with silicone or a waterproof product to prevent water from following that nail head down through the shingle, through the wood decking, and into your attic. A simple, inexpensive maintenance task such as sealing the nail head could prevent your attic from mold and mildew, necessitating extensive repairs later.
5. Skylights
The flashing along a skylight, and at its top and bottom, can have debris sit on them and get wedged in between the shingles and the flashing, which can hold water and rust the metal out. Also, the seal between the frame of the skylight and the glass itself can move and shift. It may also break due to contractions, and water can enter the skylight. So, regularly reseal around the glass or replace your old skylights with Velux ones. This issue can be spotted and addressed during regular maintenance. However, if left unattended, it can morph into an expensive problem.
6. Damage
Ice damming starts to happen when heat loss from your house escapes through the ceiling and starts melting the snow on the roof. The melted snow flows down the roof until it hits the cold eaves and the overhang, where there’s no heat, causing water to freeze at the edge, preventing melting snow from draining properly. Water starts to dam up behind the ice ridge and back into the shingles, causing leaks. While it’s essential to do proper roof maintenance, getting on a roof with ice is dangerous, even for a professional. In fact, roofers have the fifth-highest work-related death rate attributed to construction accidents. Use a roof rake to remove snow from the roof and avoid going up there.
The roof is one of the most visible features of a house., A worn or damaged roof can significantly affect your property’s curb appeal and value. This notwithstanding, pay more attention to proper roof maintenance to prevent expensive repairs. Be sure to contact professionals when you need help to ensure that the job is done right and you don’t risk your safety.